Since 2021, we have loved creating events for you.

About CJSN, The Chicago Jewish Single’s Network.


We started as a group known as OT Bashert, and due to local success within our Shul we have decided to create a partnership with local orthodox affiliated synagouges and organizations to create a network of Jewish Singles that can intermingle and meet each other at events that are inclusive of all orthodox and religious single jewish adults.

We look forward to provides a plethora of events and 1:1 services to help our local Jewish Singles environment.

We have partnered with , so there is a free website for the Orthodox and Religious Jewish Singles to meet and message each other after events, so all individuals, both singles and event organizers are able to connects and message each other after any event or singles experience we create. We look forward to partnering with local Jewish organizations to create more successful dates, marriages enabling Jewish Community growth & success for many years to come!

Jewish Parties

It may be local or across State lines, but we understand how to throw a great party. After dozens of weddings planned and awesome events, next on our list is Singles Parties!

Kosher Speed Dating

Amazing and Fun, Speed Dating is a great way to meet others, so we love hosting them locally to Chicago.

Singles Events

We love hosting events - so we partner to make the event even better with local organizations across the religious spectrum in Chicago and other major cities.


Shabbos Dinners

Are you single and looking for a Shabbos Meal? Maybe we can help. Ask us and we will try to help set you up with a host for Shabbos Dinner/Lunch to ease you into the Jewish community.


We love to get to know you and find a perfect match from our events that suits what your ideal partner is. Get in touch with any one of the Hosts at our next event and we will start working directly with you setting you up directly!

Personal Guide.

Chicago Jewish life aint easy when your new. Let us help you navigate by getting you in Jewish events and meeting other young people. We will learn more about you and try to help you while you experience Chicago as a Single Jew.